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Common Questions About Logos - Southern View Media

Common Questions About Logos

One of the main components of branding a business is the logo design. Logos help your customers identify your business and they help you build brand awareness. It’s important to have a logo that is professionally designed, fits your business and is memorable. 

Most people know what logos are and why they are important, but they don’t fully grasp the importance of logo design or understand what makes them successful. Knowing the basics will help you make more informed decisions about the logo for your business, so here are a few of the most commonly asked questions about logos. 

Why is Having a Logo Important?

Having a logo is critical for branding purposes, especially branding online. If you look at any well known company, they will have their logo front and center on every piece of material and every relevant platform. Logos are used on social media, flyers, brochures, websites, business cards and just about any other business marketing material you can think of.

Your logo acts as a visual representation of your brand. Studies show that people remember about 80% of what they see, but only retain about 20% long term. This is because the human brain is wired for visuals. When people see your logo they will be more likely to remember your brand and what you do. If you have no logo, you are just making it harder for people to build and maintain brand recognition.

Why is Logo Design Important?

Making a good first impression is the key to lasting business. That is why having a well-designed logo can lead to more long-term success for your business. Your logo is customers’ first glimpse at your business and what you do. A poorly designed or confusing logo could lead to a loss in customers before you even get to show them what your business is about. 

What Makes a Well Designed Logo?

Good logos are simple, legible, unique and fit the business they are representing. Having an overly complicated or detailed logo can lead to issues with sizing and usability. A logo that’s hard to read or hard to see can also be a problem when it comes to sizing and recognition. Your logo should be unique so people can remember it better, and it should fit your business and industry. 

How Many Fonts & Colors Should Be Used?

It’s best to stick to 1-2 fonts on your logo and a limited color palette. It’s also important to make sure your logo can be turned black and white while still retaining the same messaging and design as it would in color. For more specific information on professional logo design, contact our team to discuss your options. 

How Often Should I Change/Rebrand My Logo?

When choosing a logo, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a lifetime commitment. You can rebrand or change your logo over time. You may choose to simplify your logo as your brand becomes more well known, or you might adjust your logo if your business changes. That being said, you should start with a logo design you can use for as long as possible to keep brand recognition

Having a professional, aesthetically pleasing logo is critical to your business’ success. It helps represent your brand and adds a face for when someone is looking for your business online. Southern View Media has a team of creative professionals ready to help you create a logo that defines your vision for your business. Contact us today, so we can put you online so you don’t get left behind!