Why SEO is a Sound Investment for Your Business

Digital Takeover

The floodgates have opened when considering the amount of advertising that is on the Internet. Over half the population (55%) of the world uses the Internet on a regular basis. Advertisers have followed audiences into the digital realm and now over $240 billion of all ad money is spent digitally marketing on the Internet’s 1.94 billion websites. With over 7 billion Google searches performed each day and ecommerce rapidly gaining ground in overall retail sales, Search Engine Optimization is absolutely critical for any business’ digital marketing strategy. It’s where the people and the money is, and where your business should be, too.

Mobile’s Edge Has Been Noticed

The landscape of digital marketing changes rapidly, with many new elements being introduced every year and immediately having an impact. One of the major shifts in Internet use this decade is the rise of mobile devices. Mobile traffic has surpassed that of desktop computers, with 48.2% of all online traffic coming from mobile and tablet devices. Google and other major search engines have started to reorientate their whole operation to reflect this new trend in data consumption. Businesses need to reflect Google’s changes in their own digital marketing strategies.

All Signs Point to SEO

One strategy that has come into even more prominence with the rise of mobile devices and search engine’s subsequent adjustments to better present data for mobile consumers is Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of your business’ web traffic by improving the visibility of your business’ website on search engines. SEO is an Internet marketing strategy that your business should consider because it is an efficient method for positioning your brand as an authority that will be highly recommended to web users searching for information relevant to what your business does.

Why Choose SEO as a Digital Strategy?

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO takes into account how search engines operate, their behavior-determining, computer-programmed algorithms, what people terms and keywords people search for and which search engines are the most popular. Peak optimization is achieved through editing and adding site content, increasing backlinks, modifying HTML and another coding to both increases a site’s relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. A website will receive higher traffic because a search engine ranks a site higher in the search engine results page (SERP). These visitors can then be converted into customers and put revenue in businesses’ pockets.

Trust and Credibility

SEO builds up trust and credibility for your brand. Google will analyze your site based on its standards for web site quality and place it in its corresponding ranking on its search results pages. Because Google is such a behemoth of the Internet, it’s standards are used to unofficially determine the standards for the rest of the Internet. For instance, Google’s rankings reflect a pleasant user experience and strong, relevant information from backlinks. High-quality backlinks reinforce your brand’s trustworthiness by linking your page to other strong web pages. The more strong backlinks you have, the better your information and the higher your rank on Google search results. Users see your high ranking and automatically know that your site is legitimate because of Google’s standards.

Smooth User Experience

Google has learned to analyze the experienced user’s go through looking for the information they’re searching for. If it takes a lot of clicks to find that information, Google will reflect this inefficiency with a lower search ranking. Customers know what they want and know how long it should take them to find it. The right SEO leverages this to work in a brand’s favor.

Local SEO Strengthens Your Site in a Local Market

Local SEO helps your company stand out in local searches. With the rise of mobile traffic, local SEO means increased engagement, traffic and conversions for local small and mid-sized businesses. It’s absolutely necessary for local businesses to employ SEO because it optimizes a business’ digital presence for a specific area. Brands must be visible in places where people need them to make a worthy connection. Local SEO enhances visibility and lets potential customers find the answers, and the businesses providing those answers.

And, Finally, SEO is Cheap!

SEO budgets are as flexible as the businesses managing them. SEO is a long-term investment that will improve with more time, effort and attention put into it. While the cost of SEO is cheap, the payoffs are tremendous and can lift your business into a new phase of brand recognition, trustworthiness and local visibility.