Do You Have A Marketing Campaign?

Businesses have used email marketing years before text messages or social media existed. Nowadays, email still thrives as a part of an advertising campaign and is still one of the best return on investments as a marketing promotional tool. Here are six reasons why your business should use an email marketing campaign, brought to you by Southern View Media.

Cost Effective

Email campaigns are comparatively inexpensive to produce. Once an email database is assembled from submissions, it cost very little to leverage the channel and directly target consumers with offers and promotions. Any market channel will require content, copywriting, design and analysis, but it will only cost businesses pennies per page to send out thousands of emails, which often results in high returns.

Reach Relevant Customers

Businesses that gather demographic information about their customers, or can at least create a profile about the average customer based on the industry they work in, can target the customers most likely to respond to email. One of the greatest advantages of email is the precision of email targeting. This ensures the money you spend to advertise your business isn’t wasted on uninterested consumers.

Reach Mobile Customers

Not only are most emails read on mobile devices, but emails are always free for customers and are extremely customizable. On average, 66 percent of customers check their email at least once per day. Consumers also report that they prefer receiving promotional materials via email, which means they’ll be more receptive an email than a promotional text message.

Integrate Social Media

Email marketing campaigns provide a few different opportunities to integrate a businesses’ social media. The obvious approach is to include links to the company’s social media for customers to view at their leisure. Effective content that engages the audience in the email will encourage people to click through links and organically follow your social accounts. However, businesses can also allow social media platforms to scan the contact list and actively add followers.

Drive Sales

As many as 85 percent of businesses said that emails were effective to drive sales. Promotional materials like coupons and discounts are distributed directly to potential customers and easily redeemable over the counter or online. Other email tactics, such as follow-up emails for saved products or welcome newsletters for recently subscribed customers, are effective to finalize purchases and create a sale via email marketing.

Engage Customers

Remaining engaged with existing customers will foster brand loyalty and returning sales. Studies also report that businesses with engaging and informative content fostered greater trust and interaction with their clients. Email marketing campaigns are an invaluable tool to create value between the customer and your company while also keeping customers informed.

Email marketing is still one of the most inexpensive and effective marketing tools available to businesses of all sizes, and it is easily integrated with social media.