New Year’s Resolutions For Your Business

“And, a happy New Year!” You may begin the year 2018 with this phrase, but have you stopped to ask yourself what you will need to truly make it a happy new year? Resolutions are an important element for creating joy, positive outcomes, and generating more income in 2018. Resolutions aren’t just for personal goals. Resolutions can be made for your business or organization, too.

We suggest going to the literal drawing board to come up with a few things you’d like to focus on in 2018. Perhaps you get out your whiteboard markers or a flip chart and get to brainstorming. Remember, no idea is a bad one! Here are five resolutions for your business you may want to consider:


Have you invested quality resources into your product or business over the past year? We bet you have. It’s time to share your well-made business with the world! Investing in Marketing and Public Relations always proves to have a high return on investment. Whether it’s advertorial media placement, grassroots word of mouth, or blogs to drive social media traffic – you are sure to find the right mix to promote what you love and increase your net worth.

Professional Development

Not just for your team, but for you too! While you’re at the drawing board, think of a few things that could really take your business to the next level. Perhaps it’s time to learn and invest in CRM software, learn a second language, or our favorite: personality and strength assessments. Using programs like Strength’s Finder and the Myers Briggs test can help you and your teammates work together in the most optimal fashion. Schedule out quarterly training to maximize your efforts.

Giving Back

Is your organization aligned with a charity? If not, 2018 may be the time to focus on giving back. Finding one charity your employees and your family are passionate about can be an excellent way to build commentary through volunteering and fundraising. It can also serve to align your passions in support of those less fortunate. This new year’s resolution can give you the boost to start early in December as the holidays are a great time for supporting those who are in need.

Employee Engagement

Are you doing all you can to make sure your employees think your business is a great place to work? Simple adjustments such as having lunch with super-star employees of the month to hear their ideas and learn more about their personal life is a great way to engage the workforce. Other ideas such as healthy snacks at meetings or donut Fridays – whatever suits your team better! Also, show your employees you’re thinking of them. We suggest a survey to see how your engagement is doing and what you can do to bring some fun to the Monday-Friday office crew.


Lastly, we have to ask, are you trying to do it all? If you’re burning the candle at both ends – it’s time to search your crowd for talented employees that may be able to take on some of the load. Not only will you be able to focus more clearly on progressing the company forward, but you can help develop your talent, increase their engagement and create better alliances at the same time.

Let’s do this, 2018! Here’s to a real, Happy New Year! If you need help with promotions or advertising, contact Southern View Media to find out how we can help with your business’s marketing goals. For a free consultation to formulate a strategic and affordable plan, call us today at 251-583-2605 or visit We are a Google Trusted Agency and will be happy to answers your questions.

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