Reasons Your Website Needs a Blog

Thinking about including a blog as part of your marketing mix? You’re not alone! Blogs are a great way to increase traffic to your website, find social media material to share, and engage with your customers. It’s a fantastic New Year’s resolution and we’re glad you’re thinking about adding a blog. Here’s what you can look forward to:

Connect your audience to your website

When your blog is complete, you can share it on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin platforms. This is a great way to have your social media audience click on the link, read your content, and additionally, start to explore your website. If you have e-commerce items on your website, you’ll likely see an increase in sales from your blog bringing new viewers to your website.

Connect with social media

As we mentioned, sharing your blog to your social media platforms helps engage your audience. Oftentimes, viewers will click on your blog before they ‘like’ or ‘share’ what you’ve written, but you’ll be able to track how productive the blog is by the number of readers or clicks that are initiated from your website.

Use keywords to increase your SEO optimization

By utilizing specific keywords for your blog and title you can help others find your website when they search with the same keywords into engines like Google. For example, if your blog is about hardwood floors, when users search with the keyword ‘hardwood floors’ you will now be an option for them to click.

Find a benefit and promotion balance

It’s important to sell your products, but you don’t want that to be the only thing you say when you’re reaching out to your clients or customers through your website and social media. By increasing value with your blog, for example, providing tricks of the trade and valuable information for your clients, you will become a go to person with expertise.

Build customer loyalty

Lastly, if your customers see you as a go-to person for providing them with valued information they can utilize and share with their friends, you will have increased loyalty. By blogging about important topics and even sharing information about yourself, your company, and your staff, you are even more likely to build repeat customers.

Let’s do this, 2018! Here’s to a real, Happy New Year! If you need help with promotions or advertising, contact Southern View Media to find out how we can help with your business’s marketing goals. For a free consultation to formulate a strategic and affordable plan, call us today at 251-583-2605 or visit We are a Google Trusted Agency and will be happy to answers your questions.

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