Website Design and Development of AMOP by Southern View Media


Advanced Management Operations Platform (AMOP) is a connectivity platform created to assist both carriers and enterprise customers to manage their processes. When you work with AMOP, you can also work with Altaworx, a successful telecommunications company based in Fairhope, AL.

The client asked for a sleek and modern look that would complement the design of the preexisting Altaworx site and brand. We more than delivered.


A Southern View Media designer created mockups of the homepage and secondary page. Upon approval from the client, one of our expert developers brought the designs to life within WordPress by utilizing Elementor. With its design and features, the website is simple and accessible while maintaining a modern appearance.

Our developer used CSS throughout the AMOP website. The site consists of seven individual pages. Six of those web pages highlight different aspects of AMOP. The seventh page, “Contact Us”, utilizes custom CSS within the unique honeycomb shape. It also takes advantage of Gravity Forms. 


The final product is a website designed to promote AMOP and its services, as well as earn leads for both AMOP and Altaworx. You can visit the final site at