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February 2021 - Southern View Media

Toast to the Coast: Beef O’Brady’s

This week, we’d like to raise a metaphorical glass to Gulf Coast staple, Beef O’Brady’s.

Without exaggeration, Jim Mellody changed the world in 1985 by launching the first Beef O’Brady’s. But that is not who we are here to talk about today. Larry and Linda Kessler’s story with the franchise began long before they opened their restaurant in 2006. Larry and Linda ate many delicious meals at Beef O’Brady’s while raising their two sons, Nick and Joel. By the time that the boys reached adulthood, Larry and Linda realized that it was only natural to invest in the Beef O’Brady’s franchise.

Larry and Linda live life with a glass-half-full perspective. Just look at their charity efforts! In the past 14 years, the couple has sponsored the following organizations: Spanish Fort High School Football Team, Daphne High School Football Team, Spanish Fort Elementary, Rockwell Elementary, Spanish Fort Middle and countless Little League teams. When they are not sponsoring Baldwin County schools, the Kesslers also host Spirit Nights. The nighttime festivities support all types of local organizations. For example, Spirit Night in October raised money for Breast Cancer Awareness.

What is next for the Kesslers and Beef O’Brady’s? The future is bright despite COVID-19 challenges. The Kessler family plans to continue supporting local schools and teams, as well as continue hosting Spirit Nights. If you would like to discuss sponsorship opportunities with the Kesslers, you should reach out to them!

In summary, the Beef O’Brady’s in Spanish Fort is a community cornerstone. Baldwin County is better with the Kessler family in it… And our stomachs are better with their jaw-dropping burgers!


3 Ways to Convert Customers from Social Media

Every business should be on social media. While a common phrase, some business owners may find it difficult to determine how to actually garner business from social media. If you’re confused, you’re not alone. We see tons of businesses struggling to convert their followers into leads every single day. So that is why we are counting down 3 of the best ways to convert customers from your social media content.

Let’s get started!

1. Become a Teacher

One of the best things you can do on social media is to become a teacher for what your business excels in. A lot of business owners are confused by this idea. We get asked all the time: “Why should I teach my clients, or worse, my possible competition?” It seems counterproductive, but the reality is that what people are looking for on social media is free content that has immediate value to them.

By making educational posts in the form of statistics or tips on whatever it is that you do, you are giving value to your followers who are interested in knowing what you do. You also present yourself as an expert on the subject, making it more likely for people to choose you when they’re in need of your services.


2. Consistency is Key

You’ve probably heard this one, but let us reiterate: your social media presence should be consistent.

Ideally, you should post regularly, and at peak hours for your target audience. All of this is an effort to maintain a presence on your followers’ feeds. Because social media has grown so much, competition is fierce, and a spot on the timeline is not always guaranteed. That’s why we recommend posting often. Any post can be skipped over, for any number of reasons. With more posts, and each one bearing your branding in some kind of way, you will become harder to ignore and a regular part of your followers’ feeds.

3. Be Human

When it comes to social content, the goal should not be to post link after link to your website. By doing so, you’re coming across as more of a link-posting-robot than a person. Your page should blend in as best it can with the content found within everyone’s timelines: posts from people. Photos of parties, fun quotes or quizzes make people stop scrolling and actually engage.

That’s the keyword: engagement. Comments, likes, shares, anything that has users stopping to interact with your posts is the first major step in making customers out of those users. Focus on that and allow your feed to stay human, and your users will know and love you all the better for it. It increases your reputation and makes people more comfortable asking for your help when they need it.

Social media strategies can still be very difficult, however. Not all of us have time to sit on social media and find new things to post every day. But we do! Here at Southern View Media, we have an expert social media team that can ensure you have engaging posts on your feed as often as you want. Just visit us at to find out more about how we can help you!