
Easy Tips for SEO

When it comes to running a business, we understand that you have enough on your plate. While your daily operations may begin at 8 a.m. and end at 5 p.m., your business in the online world doesn’t stop. At least, it won’t if you are utilizing SEO tips to the best of your abilities to keep advertising your business. That’s why we’ve come up with a list of easy SEO tips to keep building your brand and business while you’re offline… Or at least while you’re working your business!

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and can really make or break your business. We’re now living in a world where online updates, standards and changes never stop. Staying updated on strategies and methods you can use to optimize your SEO is absolutely critical to staying ahead of the game.

  1. Optimize your social media.

Social media platforms are an incredibly powerful tool when promoting your business. It’s easy to create a post and share it here and there, but it’s impressive when you can optimize your social media to your benefit. This can include taking keyword research (that’s another blog to read about) and distinguishing what keywords provide the best description of your business and what product or service you’re selling. Social media can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be when you have the right approach. 

  1. Claim your Google My Business.

This tip is one of the easiest things you can do as a business owner. Not only is the platform free, but it’s an affordable way to market your business. Google My Business actually helps you show up online, like being on the first page compared to the second or third page. Using this tip to your benefit can help make your business more discoverable and more likely to help improve your local SEO. Even if your business has already established an online presence, claiming your Google My Business listing will aid in receiving top results.

  1. Make sure alt tags are added to all images.

Have you ever seen a graphic or photo that has trouble downloading on a website? It may have had words or phrases in place of it. That’s where your alt tags come into play. An HTML attribute used on image tags helps provide an alternative in text copy for search engines. By applying alt tags to images, you can positively impact your business’s search engine rankings. Basically what this means is that search engines read like we do, resulting in search engines deciding how images interpret a web page and where that web page should stand on Google rankings.

  1. Make sure title tags and meta descriptions are set with the keywords you’re trying to target.

When it comes to title tags and meta descriptions, there are two things to keep in mind: You need to understand how your customer thinks and how Google as a search engine “thinks”. Each search on Google delivers different results, depending on what phrase or word is typed in. Title tags need to be optimized to include your prime keywords for your business, and the same goes for your meta descriptions that go directly under the title tag. These meta descriptions are what is going to help incline an audience to want to click through to your site. Each of these title tags and meta descriptions should be unique to each page that it’s displaying. Improving these two things can easily move your business forward in the right direction to solidify your SEO strategy.

SEO changed the online game tremendously, and as a business owner, it’s your job to play the game well to continue making moves. Staying updated on standards of keeping your business online is critical to your success. Southern View Media has a team of professionals ready to craft your business a winning SEO strategy to keep you online so you don’t get left behind. Contact us today!