
Graphic Design Do’s and Don’ts

Everywhere you look you can see an element of graphic design. It’s on the billboards we drive by, the websites we visit and the social media we scroll through daily. While your brand’s content needs to be creative and attention-grabbing, it should also maintain a professional appearance as well. Following these do’s and don’ts of graphic design will help your company increase its brand awareness and attract a bigger audience.

Do Make it Simple

Most graphic designers are taught not to leave too much white space on a graphic. However, the last thing you want to do is cover every inch of space of your design with text and pictures. Make your visual simplistic enough that it provides the necessary information without overwhelming the reader. To keep your design simple, use up to three different colors, font styles and pictures.

Do Your Research

Researching doesn’t have to take a lot of time but doing so makes a big impact on your graphic. Producing a design with false information will make you look untrustworthy and you could lose potential customers. Ensure you have all your questions answered and allow enough time for edits before you run a final proof.

Do Stay on Top of Design Trends

Social media is constantly evolving and designers have to move with it by creating content that is current with trends and styles. It is also important to pay attention to what is not popular as well so your graphics won’t look outdated.

Don’t Clutter Your Design

If you have a lot of ideas it may be tempting to put them all on one design. However, too much text, varying fonts, pictures and too many color combinations can make your design look cluttered. It can also be confusing and may turn off potential customers. Use only the applicable information and keep wording to a minimum if there is text.

Don’t Steal

One of the most important rules of graphic design is to not steal artwork, text or anything that has been used by another company or designer. Not only is it morally wrong but it could bring about legal ramifications. Purchasing a license from a design or image website is not only inexpensive but can save you a lot of time searching for images as well as a headache in the long run.

Maintain Consistency

If people are familiar with your brand’s look and style, it is important to stay consistent. Straying away from your company consistent image may confuse people. If you decide on a new logo design, introduce it to your audience instead of “dropping” on them without an explanation.

Creative and attention-grabbing content is essential to a successful marketing and advertising campaign for your company. An effective and easy to read visually will grab hold of a potential customer and help increase your brand’s awareness online and in the advertising world.

Contact us to find out how we can help with your business’s digital presence. For a free consultation to formulate a strategic and affordable plan, call us today at 251-517-9425 or visit We are a Google Trusted Agency and will be happy to answer your questions.