
What’s the deal with Parler?

Social media has gotten big. Very big. Between Facebook, Instagram and Twitter alone, literally billions of people are connecting, sharing, conversing and more. It’s great, but it does come at a cost. Businesses looking to market using these platforms are presented with a very uphill journey; a battle to gain and retain relevance amidst a giant mass of content presented to each user every single day. It can be like waving a hand-drawn poster in the air in the middle of a crowded football game: many will see it, but your arms might get pretty tired. So, it’s time to recognize a rising star in the social media world: Parler.

What is Parler?

Parler is a social media platform not unlike Facebook and Twitter in their earliest days, which can be appealing for many. Its intention is to be a smaller, more niche, content-driven platform that returns to an older form factor for a social media app. For one thing, it’s chronological. If you don’t know, most of the primary social media platforms have algorithms that determine the order of posts you should see in your timeline. This has led many to be concerned about missing content that they actually want to see.

Another thing to note about Parler is that it’s primarily unregulated. Where Facebook’s size gives it the responsibility of fact-checking and regulating information, Parler returns to the old-school days. It’s a free-for-all, user regulated with no platform intervention. Parler is also completely unmonetized, meaning it has no advertising platform and will not run ads on peoples’ timelines. Instead, Parler’s long-term goal is to give businesses options for influencer marketing, giving you the power to tap into the platforms of influential users and their platforms to market your business. 

Who Could Benefit?

Those features are big draws for users, and are a few of the reasons that in only a few months Parler has amassed over 2 million active users: certainly enough to interest a business looking to market themselves, but not so much that you have to worry about falling into the ocean of content. Parler is worth considering for businesses already doing social media marketing, as the platform itself acts a lot like Facebook, and especially those who may not be finding as much engagement as they want to see. Businesses could also seriously benefit from the chronological timeline. Without having to contend with social media algorithms that constantly change, and changing content to fit new standards that seem to emerge every day, the chronological timeline gives everyone the same fair chance of being seen on users’ timelines. In this way, there is not a huge discrepancy between user profiles and business pages, making marketing on Parler a relatively simple activity that can garner results.

Here at Southern View Media, we’re offering Parler as an optional part of our content marketing package. If you could benefit from posting your content to Parler, we’re ready to take the plunge and help you with it. If you’re interested in boosting your business on social media, be it Parler or anywhere else, call us today!