
Website vs. A Landing Page

The internet is here to stay, and if your business hasn’t found its place online yet, it’s time to start considering it. If you’re looking to have an online presence for your business, you might be wondering what your options are. There are a lot of ways a business can promote themselves and connect with customers online. Two of the most popular options are websites and landing pages, but what is the difference between the two and which one is best for your business?


You’re most likely pretty familiar with websites already and have visited them for your favorite brands and businesses. Websites are multi-level online systems that can provide a variety of functions to customers. Depending on what type of business or brand you have, you might want to use your website to provide information to customers, gather contact information, sell products or services online or book appointments. Regardless of what type of business you have, a website can be a very helpful and necessary tool to grow your business. 

Landing Page

Now that we’ve covered websites, you might be wondering what a landing page is. A landing page often looks very much like a website, but it is limited. Landing pages are typically a single page that provides some sort of information like links, contact information, directions or service hours. A landing page is intended to convey information to the customer but not be their end destination. Landing pages are meant to drive them to other websites, in-person storefronts/offices or urge them to contact your business in some manner. 

Goals & Growth

When deciding between a website and a landing page, the big decision comes down to your goals and the opportunity for growth. If you want to offer products or services for sale via the internet, you will need a website. If you simply want to let people know where they can shop your products or how to get to your location you might only need a landing page.

Websites give your business room for growth in the online space. You can add more content to your website as your business grows and have a one-stop shop for that content to live. With a landing page, you’re limited to the amount of information you can provide and the ability to expand your online presence without the use of a website. 

Cost & Maintenance Difference 

Creating, designing and maintaining a website is more costly, but ultimately it is a tool you can use to grow your business and hopefully increase revenue. Landing pages are a smaller commitment of time and money as they don’t need as much updating or maintenance, but they can only help your business grow so far. 

Trying to decide how to present your business or brand online? Contact Southern View Media today! From websites to social media marketing and everything in between we can be your full-service digital marketing agency. Our talented team can help your business grow from the ground up!