
Toast to the Coast: Matt McCoy

Whether you begin your commute, embark on a road-trip or take a quick drive to the gas station, there is a high chance that the radio will be playing. According to News Generation, more than 244.5 million Americans listen to the radio each month. However, upon sliding into the driver’s seat, when have you considered the individuals behind the broadcast waves?

92ZEW is a locally-owned and operated radio station in Mobile, Alabama. Household names for the radio station include Gene Murrell, Kelly Finley, Tony in the Morning, Matt McCoy and more. Matt McCoy currently serves as the Promotions and Marketing Director with 92ZEW, but his impact includes a 30-year career, philanthropic efforts and an overall optimistic zeal for life.

Much like anything else in McCoy’s career, he fell into radio by happy accident.

A local radio DJ discovered 17-year-old McCoy on his high school forensics team. That part-time gig was the catalyst for an extensive career in radio. McCoy admitted that he ended up on the Gulf Coast by accident when he accepted a job offer with Legendary Top 40 WABB. Instantly welcomed as a Gulf Coast personality, McCoy hosted the morning show for seven to eight years.

“Things changed. I’ve got a couple of kids. I knew I had to decide on a ‘real job,’” McCoy said in a phone interview with a dash of self-deprecating humor. “Just like the rest of my life, I got a random call from Pensacola.”

McCoy accepted a job offer with iHeartRadio Kiss FM. After another eight years and a meet-cute with Tim and Lee Ann Camp of “TLC in the Morning”, McCoy became Promotions and Marketing Director with 92ZEW.

“You feel like you know these people. They’re your friends. I’ve been doing this for 30 years and I tell people–it’s the painting the room scenario. You have a playlist on, but it’s hollow and empty. Instead, the radio is a voice in your ear. You feel like a friend is talking to you,” McCoy explained.

Outside of radio and his children, McCoy pursues two philanthropic efforts: rescuing animals and helping to defeat cancer. McCoy has two rescued pitbulls, but defeating cancer remains his true passion.

“I’ve lost so many people just over the past 5 years to cancer. I’m just sick of it,” McCoy said. “Every year, I help do Bras Across the Causeway. Last year, it was so big that we ran out of space for attendees–during COVID!”

McCoy also recently signed up as an ambassador for the American Cancer Society.

When asked if he had any advice for individuals struggling to find their way, McCoy laughed and said, “I have a mission statement, and believe it or not, I got it from a country song and I added to it over the years:

‘Life is a dance and you learn as you go. But just like the tango, if you get tangled up, and you will, don’t panic. Tango on.’”

92ZEW is more than just voices in your ear. 92ZEW is a locally owned and operated radio station. Learn more about The Sound of Mobile by visiting today.

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What is an E-commerce Site?

The world of e-commerce has boomed more than ever given the circumstances that have surrounded us in these last few years. Despite the stock market crash, investors have since taken advantage of shares for trillion dollar e-commerce companies like Amazon. What exactly is an e-commerce site you might ask and what are the advantages that come with it? We talk about it here. 

Electronic Business via World Wide Web

Long gone are the days where brick and mortar stores became popular. Of course, there is still talk about pop-up shops for upcoming trendy boutiques and retailers that work for business to consumers and business to business e-commerce platforms. The idea of exchanging physical goods and services has since evolved into an electronic business via the world wide web, which is what an e-commerce site resembles. Consumers, sellers and businesses can all come together in one place to electronically transfer data and funds. 

Marketing Strategy In The Works

Having an e-commerce site can ultimately grow your business as there is a great deal for a marketing strategy in the works. There is a lot of background work that goes into developing it such as setting up optimization, the use of plug-ins, email newsletter sign up forms, landing pages and much more. E-commerce sites are also a highly competitive field, so having a marketing strategy in place further sets you up for success.

Building The Site and Legal Terms 

There are many built-in software programs that support full customization on online shops. Each e-commerce owner will have a set budget on their behalf which will dictate the overall design and style of the site, the added plug-ins necessary to develop data and making files downloadable. WordPress and Shopify are amongst the most popular platforms that make it easier to navigate through the site with a paid fee. An e-commerce site will also be required to have legal terms that go by code to include a private policy, terms and conditions, as well as disclaimers. The legal terms act as a legal policy to disclose information towards customers and their personal data. Whether or not you choose to add cookies, a third party disclosure is also an option. 

Incorporating Digitally Innovative Tactics

Outside of the e-commerce site, there exists digitally innovative tactics to incorporate traffic through the use of social media. To better promote the site, entrepreneurs and influencers use marketing strategies such as posting ads, setting up product launches through email campaigns and creating mobile apps for user-friendly accessibility. The integration between the development of the e-commerce site and the use of external digital marketing methods all correlate towards a better brand advantage.  

Let us help you make your business successful with website design and development, a part of the e-commerce site process. For a free consultation to formulate a strategic and affordable plan, call us today at 251-583-2605 or visit We are a Google Trusted Agency and will be happy to answer your questions.