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September 15, 2021 - Southern View Media

Website Design and Development: Mudbug Plumbing


A plumbing service located in Harahan, Louisiana, Mudbug Plumbing & Remodeling specializes in everything from drain cleaning to pipe repair and replacement. Plumbing services are one industry that are certainly not few and far between; however, quantity does not equal quality! Mudbug is a true example of high-quality service, and with such a wide variety of competitors, they were in need of a streamlined and well-branded website to match.


After our initial meetings with the client to discuss their desired direction, our designers began creating a mockup using Adobe XD. Once the client had approved of the initial design, the development of the site began while secondary pages were being created. The intentional stacking of development with secondary page designs allows for efficient and informed design choices to be made while the actual site begins to emerge. A heavy emphasis was placed on informing the audience about the services Mudbug is known for, as well as why they should choose Mudbug over their competitors. 

Another area of emphasis was placed on branding. An established brand deserves a site that reflects brand guidelines through typography, color choices and imagery.


A final look at the site exemplifies the clean, sleek design that not only looks pleasing, but also reflects the brand it represents. Make sure you check out the finished site at