
How to Combine Traditional and Digital Marketing

Are you a business owner planning to revitalize your marketing strategy? Are you a marketing professional searching for fresh tactics? The best and most effective way to promote your business is to combine traditional marketing strategies with digital marketing. There are multiple ways to accomplish this goal without breaking the bank or becoming repetitive.

Here are a few of our best ideas to get you started so that you can better promote your business in 2022 and beyond!

Invest in Billboards Alongside Geofencing Ads

Make the most of your audience’s attention with billboards and geofencing ads! Billboards are prime advertising real estate, especially along highways and other long stretches of roads. The individual in the passenger seat can read your billboard, and then open their phone to an ad promoting your business. This is a double-punch for advertising!

Utilize Television Content for Digital Creations

The great thing about video is that it is evergreen. In other words, video ages much slower than other types of content, like static graphics. When you book and create a television commercial, you can repurpose that video and script for digital content! Not only is this an efficient strategy, but it also can save your business money in the long run.

Get Published in Magazines to Promote Elsewhere

How often have you read a magazine that has a digital counterpart? We recommend that you reach out to magazines and other publications to spotlight your business. Once the article is written, you can generate content for other platforms! Create quotes for graphics; link to the publication for content and SEO; or share with your friends, family and colleagues.

Create Radio Ads to Use as Streaming Ads

Repetition and familiarity are great methods for staying at the forefront of your customers’ minds. When you book and create a radio advertisement, you should consider repurposing that content for streaming ads, such as on Spotify or Apple Music. This strategy is an ideal way for you to save money and make the most of your content!

Remember to Promote In Print and Online

Is your business hosting or sponsoring a local event? Promote the event both in print and online! For example, you can create a poster to hang in public spaces, and then publish that poster online in a Facebook event or on your website. This and similar tactics ensure that nothing you create goes to waste and that no stone is left unturned.

Ultimately, marketing is full of limitless possibilities! Brainstorm, strategize and experiment to decide which traditional and digital marketing combination is best for you and your business. We hope that these ideas help you get started on a synchronized strategy.

Southern View Media is a woman-owned digital marketing agency dedicated to helping local businesses understand, navigate and succeed in digital marketing. Schedule an appointment with one of our expert digital strategists when you visit today. We put you online so you don’t get left behind!