
What are AdWords and Why Do They Matter?

Just as the world has changed dramatically in the past few years, so has the marketing world. Google AdWords is one of the largest platforms that has helped to create this change in marketing. It is one of the most, if not the most, effective methods of online paid advertising available to businesses. Google AdWords is used by businesses that range from small mom and pop shops to large corporations. When used correctly, Google AdWords has the potential to send a large number of prospective consumers to your products or business. If you aren’t using Google AdWords, below are the reasons why you should.

Increase Leads
Google AdWords allows you to focus on the individuals who are searching for the products you have to offer. You can refine your campaigns so that only those who are searching for your services are sent to your website through the AdWords platform.

Flexible Marketing
One great thing about Google AdWords is that it is an extremely flexible marketing platform. You can turn the platform on and off in order to use it when you want to run the campaign. It is also compatible with a multitude of software systems. For instance, you can analyze the data from your campaigns using Excel spreadsheets, Google AdWords is easily customizable and allows you to target people in different locations, people using different devices, and people that use other websites like YouTube.

High Return on Investment
When it comes to Google AdWords, you only pay for the ads that people click on. However, it can take some time and you have to find what type of campaign best suits your business. You will have to continually check and track your campaigns in order to ensure they are effective.

Fast Results
Google AdWords shows easy-to-understand results and reports about your campaign almost immediately after it goes live. It will show you the number of clicks you are receiving, what keywords cost you the most, and more.

If you are interested in implementing Google AdWords into your businesses marketing strategy, Southern View Media can help you get started. We believe that AdWords is one of the best and most effective digital marketing platforms when it comes to driving new business to your company.

Contact us to find out how we can help with your business’s digital presence. For a free consultation to formulate a strategic and affordable plan, call us today at 251-583-2605 or visit We are a Google Trusted Agency and will be happy to answer your questions.

© Southern View Media 2018: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “We Put You Online So You Don’t Get Left Behind.”


How Facebook Reactions Are Driving Your Posts to Get More Visibility

In 2018 Facebook yet again changed its algorithm. In one of the most important changes, the social media giant aims to promote more “meaningful content.” So, what exactly does this mean? For one, Facebook reactions are driving your posts to get more visibility. You may not even be aware of this. With that, gone are the days of simple “likes’ that help you reach your audience. Now, what does this look like for businesses like yours, small and large alike?

How do Facebook Reactions Drive Your Posts to Get More Visibility?

Facebook assigns value to posts, responses and reactions. Then, it pushes the posts with the highest value to the top of the News Feed. This little-known fact can help you get more engagement. First, when Facebook announced Reactions in 2017 they said the values would be equal to likes, unlikes and, well, the like! Now, the value of Reactions is greater than that of other responses to posts. Your Facebook assigned value will be higher when you have more Reactions. This can push your post to the top of the News Feed. This small detail is really important for businesses that depend on Facebook for their bottom line.


Did you know that Facebook assigns value to posts and reactions?


Why the Change?

Now, many people wonder why this change came about. First, Facebook believes many people respond to a post without really reading it. We’ve all been there. This is true. Scroll through. Like, like, dislike. Done. Engaged. Right? Wrong. In Facebook’s pursuit to provide a truly personalized experience, it has uncovered the value in Reactions. People in reality read through a post much more thoroughly to give a Reaction. Instead of a response.

Think of these top 5 post Reactions. Isn’t it easy to see how we need to really read a post to chime in appropriately?


  1. Ha Ha!
  2. Wow!
  3. Crying, so Sad!
  4. Happy!
  5. Angry. Grrr.

What’s in a Like?

Even more, likes are ambiguous. Vague. Someone may post that their beloved pet is in critical condition at the vet. They get 100 likes. That like can mean, “we’re with you, man!” It can mean, “I don’t like dogs anyway.” It can also mean “I didn’t really read this but you are my friend so I am slapping a like on for support.”

Facebook thinks: “Do you like me? I mean really like me? Then say so.”


How can you get more Reactions to your posts?

If you look over all of the Facebook tricks and tips one theme is clear. Provide engaging content. This leads to more Reactions. First, step away from your product. Give your audience content that moves them beyond you. But, this will indirectly engage them with you. Sneaky? Maybe. But audiences demand it. Think of the top brands you follow. Many that are soaring with Facebook success spend at least some of the time not talking about themselves. They may post about a recent celebrity’s passing. Relevant. Moving. Not about them. And yet, leads back to them.


Getting more Reactions takes a practice. Let the experts do it for you. Southern View Media has the expertise in social media. We are up on the latest changes. And, we’ll keep you moving as swiftly as they do. Call Southern View Media to find out how we can help with your business’ digital presence. For a free consultation to formulate a strategic marketing plan call us today at 251-583-2605 or visit WWW.SOUTHERNVIEWMEDIA.COM. We are a Google Trusted Agency and will be happy to answer your questions.


© Southern View Media 2018: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “We Put You Online So You Don’t Get Left Behind.”


How Skimpy Web Content Hurts You

The website has become today’s storefront. It’s the first place the public will go to check out your business. Who you are. What you do. How you do it. However, creating web content week after week can be challenging. From a rich blog to interactive content to new posts and pages – it can get daunting. But staying the course to keep your site robust is a must! How can skimpy web content hurt you?

Let’s take a look at 5 big ways skimpy web content can actually drive business away.

Competitive edge

No matter what type of business you are in, there is always competition. People have more choices than ever today as to where they spend their time, money and attention. Maintaining a website that is rich with content that provides valuable information gives you a competitive edge. Remember, if you aren’t doing this, your competitors are.

Repeat visitors

You can learn a lot from your analytics. Next time these are reviewed, take a look at the repeat visitors to your site. If this is an area of improvement, skimpy content is likely to blame. The average first visit to a page is only a few seconds. But the repeat visits last longer. You are essentially nurturing an audience when you provide full content that keeps them coming back. These repeat visitors can also become your ambassadors through word of mouth as well as social shares.

More information, please

Speaking of analytics, skimpy content will lead to skimpy analytics. The system just won’t have enough to pull from to tell you what you need to know. Ideally, analytics are pulled monthly to see the trends, sources, opportunities and more. If your site is neglected in terms of low content, sparse blog posts or outdated pages, you’ll get pretty skinny analytics that don’t help you like they really can.

Staying timely and relevant

In any industry, staying relevant is important. Skimpy content that doesn’t speak to the trends in your industry leaves your visitor wondering if yours is really the one with which they want to do business. If you’ve ever visited a site that looked really outdated or neglected, you know what we mean.

Google rankings

Search Engine Optimization is the key to landing first-page ranking on engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Of course, AdWords helps. Sometimes purchasing AdWords isn’t feasible at the time. This is where keyword strategy comes in. Skimpy content that is simply flat words on a page with no thought behind them hurts your business. Google will pass these over quickly in favor of keyword dense sites that follow the buyer’s journey. One or more of these sites will be your competitor.

These are five real ways skimpy content hurts you. Taking it on yourself can be too challenging. Our Southern View Media experts are trained in all the above and more to build rich content that drives your audience. Give us a call today!

Your online presence is too important to let it become obsolete. If you are managing threats from competitors SEO, you can take care of any problem before it becomes irreversible. Call Southern View Media to find out how we can help with your business’ digital presence. For a free consultation to formulate a strategic marketing plan call us today at 251-583-2605 or visit We are a Google Trusted Agency and will be happy to answer your questions.

© Southern View Media 2018: Reproduction without explicit permission is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. “We Put You Online So You Don’t Get Left Behind.”


Engaging Facebook Posts

It’s easy to fall into the same routine. Managing a Facebook page requires consistent effort to get great results. Avoid falling into the trap of posting the same type of content with these suggestions, brought to you by Southern View Media.


Do You Have A Marketing Campaign?

Businesses have used email marketing years before text messages or social media existed.