
How to Create Engaging Facebook Posts Using the Algorithm

Social media and search engine giants love to update their processes, programs and algorithms. For business owners, digital strategists and freelancers alike, these changes can be inconvenient or uncertain. Facebook, owned by Meta, is a prominent example.

In this blog, we will explain the Facebook algorithm and offer some tips for content creation. So let’s get started!

But first… What is the Facebook algorithm?

The Facebook algorithm is a formula that determines which posts users see when scrolling through their newsfeed. Many different variables compose the algorithm, which is what makes it frustrating for any marketer to navigate.

The algorithm has evolved over time. In 2009, the algorithm bumped posts with the greatest number of Likes to the top of the newsfeed. In 2017, Facebook weighed a post’s value and prominence by the number of different Reactions to it (Like, Heart, Anger, etc.). In 2019, Facebook introduced the “Why Am I Seeing This Post?” feature. In more recent years, Facebook has revealed details about the algorithm but has yet to release the big picture.

So how does the algorithm work now?

According to Hootsuite, Facebook now prioritizes content by three different variables. These elements are: who posted the content, the type of content and interactions with the posts. Use these characteristics to begin creating some ideal content for your brand!

What are some tips for creating engaging content?

Manipulating the Facebook algorithm is one of the worst things you could do for your brand; instead, you should work with the algorithm. Here are just a few tips that you can utilize to make the algorithm your friend, not a foe.

  • Consider the type of content that your audience wants to see. Authenticity is king. Too many sales-oriented posts can deter users from interacting with your page.
  • Engage with your audience. Interact with your audience by responding to and ‘liking’ comments. Prove that there is a person (or a whole team) behind the screen!
  • Encourage your audience to engage with each other. Create content that prompts conversations (not comment wars).
  • Explore the Stories feature. Facebook Stories appear separately from the main feed. As its own feature, Stories is an alternative way to meet audiences and promote content. If your business is on Instagram, which is also owned by Meta, then check out the Reels tab!
  • Expand your reach. How often do your family, friends, employees and colleagues share your content? Encourage them to share and interact with your content, so that it can reach new audiences!

It is unlikely that we will ever know the full extent of Facebook’s algorithm model. However, there are ways to curate content to your and your brand’s advantage. Facebook likes content that is authentic, engaging and encourages conversations. How will you use these tips when planning out your social media strategy?

Southern View Media is a digital marketing agency located on the Gulf Coast. We help clients across the United States with their social media, digital marketing, content creation, media buying and more. Visit today to learn about what we do and why we do it.


What is Effective Email Marketing & How Do You Do It?

Email marketing continues to be a worthwhile marketing strategy for a variety of businesses, including retailers, plumbers, HVAC companies and other industries. According to Litmus, an effective email campaign generates at least $42 for every $1 that you spend. That is an impressive and unbelievable 4,200% ROI (return on investment)!

So, how do you get started? How do you appeal to your portion of the 4 billion daily email users? Here are some of our best tips for creating a successful email marketing campaign.

Begin With an Appealing Subject Line

A subject line should grab the attention of your audience. An ideal subject line is catchy and intriguing; a humorous subject line is even better. We recommend that you keep your subject line at 9 to 14 words (or less). The best-kept secret, however, is staying out of the spam inbox by avoiding all caps or phrases like “buy now”.

Utilize Preheader Text When Necessary

Preheader text is the teasing copy that follows the subject line. While preheader text is not absolutely necessary, it does give your audience an idea of what the email is supposed to be about. We recommend keeping your preheader text to no more than 50 characters.

Embrace Links in Your Email Content

Links are perfect in emails for two reasons: they keep your email content from being too busy, and they can drive traffic to your website. Links are great teaser content, as long as they are visible, trackable and specific. Those three words mean:

  • Your links should be visible to your audience
  • Your links should be trackable by your team
  • Your links and their action phrases should be specific, like “Click here!” versus “Reserve Your Spot Now!”

Ensure That Your Email is Mobile-Friendly

Did you know that more than 50% of emails are opened and read on a mobile device? Don’t worry–there are easy ways to make sure that you are not isolating half of your subscribers! Emails should have a single column-layout; you should keep any buttons centered within the email format. Multiple email marketing platforms have an option to view your email as it reads on a computer, cell phone and tablet, so explore your platform and those options today.

Keep Your Emails Consistent

Unfortunately, email marketing is not a tool that works best sporadically. Email marketing is a balance of staying visible, but not flooding inboxes. Depending on your business size, your network and your audience, we recommend sending emails at least every two weeks. The formatting of your email should also be consistent with your brand, your voice and your message.

Email campaigns are an ideal marketing strategy because of their versatility! For example, email campaigns can contribute to your brand’s identity, promote an exclusive offer, foster a customer-business relationship and other possibilities.

We understand that you are a business owner and running the world–if you are too busy to focus on email campaigns, that is where we come in! Southern View Media is a digital marketing agency located on the beautiful Gulf Coast. Our services include email marketing, social media management, website design and more. Visit today to learn more.