
The ‘Key’ to Keywords

If you run a business, you have likely fallen down the rabbit hole of researching digital marketing techniques. You want your business to stand out online, and there are a million different ways to do so. If you are looking to increase your company’s SEO and show up higher in searches, one of the best ways to accomplish that is by utilizing keywords.

But first, let’s begin with the basics.

What are Keywords?

Keywords refer to the most common terms or phrases that are used to search a specific product, service or issue. These keywords are important because if you can better understand what your audience is searching for, you can begin implementing these into your marketing plan to ensure that your services show up in searches using said keywords. Once you discover the most used terms and phrases related to your industry, you can include them throughout your digital content and other online resources in order to increase your online visibility.

Now that you understand what keywords are, how do you put them to your advantage? The best keywords to use are those specific to your industry.

How Do I Find Industry-Specific Keywords?

Discovering which keywords apply to your service or industry is as simple as using online tools like Google Trends, Google Keyword Planner, Keyword and more. There are hundreds of options out there, so see which one works best for you! Another way to find these specific keywords is to research and study your audience. You need to have a strong understanding of your customers in order to know what they might be searching for. Consider conducting surveys with your high-valued clients to better understand what they desire.

Which Keywords Should I Use?

After you have researched the most relevant keywords to your business, you want to narrow them down to only the most beneficial ones to you. Not every keyword needs to be thrown into your content. An industry secret to using keywords is to include ones that are less competitive.

Where Should I Incorporate Keywords?

You should aim to incorporate your newly found keywords anywhere you can within your online presence. This could mean creating website content that uses keywords, writing blogs that specifically address certain questions that come up in searches and creating social posts that relate to the keywords you found to be most beneficial. When writing website content specifically, it is important to include keywords in your URL, H1/H2 tags or in the image alt text. This ensures that your website can easily be crawled by Google’s system and your page will be more likely to pop up in searches. 

For more information on exactly where and how keywords should be incorporated within your online presence, give Southern View Media a call: (251) 517-9425. We want to help you incorporate the best strategy possible for your keywords. We are your digital marketing experts who put you online so you don’t get left behind!


Common FAQs About Digital Marketing

Digital marketing encompasses a lot of areas that require extensive knowledge and research to fully understand. Marketers are always learning the newest tips, tricks and trends of the trade so we can provide the best services to you. As a business owner or someone of general curiosity, you might have some questions about how digital marketing works and if some services are genuinely necessary. That’s why we have provided our expertise to answer some commonly asked questions about digital marketing.

  1. What is SEO and how does it benefit businesses?
    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) allows websites (like your business!) to achieve higher rankings in search engine results. By using targeted keywords tailored to your specific industry and hosting unique, relevant content on your website, users will be driven to your website at much higher rates than before – which leads to established brand recognition and a higher amount of sales.

  2. Do I need a blog on my website?
    Short answer – yes! Blogging is a great way to drive traffic to your website, and it keeps your client base updated with all the latest happenings in your business. You can curate a subscriber list so that your subscribers will receive an automatic email whenever you publish a post. You can write about trends in the field, secrets of the trade and advise about common problems. Having a blog will also legitimize your business and help establish you as an expert in your field. Blogging also helps your SEO rank appear higher!

  3. Which social media platforms should I be using?
    We’ve written an entire blog tailored to this specific question, but it boils down to who your ideal client is. Social media marketing is specific, and each platform provides different results as different audiences use varying platforms. Do you want to market to customers rather than businesses? Stick with Facebook and Twitter. Try TikTok and Snapchat (yes, Snapchat is still relevant!) with the younger crowd. If you’re aiming to market to businesses, opt for LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the driving force behind business-to-business leads, so it’s the most recommended option for career-minded professionals.

  4. What makes a successful email campaign?
    Email campaigns are used to keep customers up-to-date about all the latest happenings within your company and to build relationships with your clientele. You can launch specific email campaigns that are tailored to an individual promotion – these typically involve sending four to six curated emails. To measure a campaign’s success, evaluate the delivery rate, which is the number of emails sent that get delivered to people’s inboxes. (Sometimes emails get bounced – it happens). Also look at the open rate, which is the number of unique people who opened your email, and the click-through rate, which entails the number of people who opened your email that clicked a link to bring them to your website.

  5. How do I establish my brand?
    Proper branding is vital to running a successful business and standing out from competitors. Branding isn’t just your logo – it’s every single message your company puts out. Your tone of voice in messaging, website design, logo and all send out a specific message about your brand. You don’t want to be sending mixed signals, so take some time and define what makes your brand unique. What are your values? Who is your ideal customer? What kinds of things attract them? A talented graphic designer can help establish your visual identity, and a copywriter can collaborate to provide a unique tone of voice that goes hand-in-hand with your brand’s visual elements.

Digital marketing goes well beyond the areas of SEO, blogging, email campaigns and branding; however, we hope our guide has provided you some clarity on the importance of these areas – and how to do them well! Are you interested in taking your digital marketing to the next level? Southern View Media offers high-quality digital marketing and design services that put your company online, so you don’t get left behind! Call us today at (251) 517-9425 to learn more.


Which Social Media Platforms Should You Be Utilizing for Your Business

Social media marketing is necessary for staying relevant and standing out against competitors. With so many different social media platforms to choose from, it can be difficult to determine which ones your business needs. After all, you can’t be everywhere at once. How do you determine which social media platforms your business should be utilizing? 

To start, ask yourself a few questions:

Who is your target audience? Are they men or women? How old are they? Where do they spend their time online? Breaking down your desired customer is helpful in determining their online behaviors and marketing your business to them.

Where are your competitors? What social media platforms are they using? Is it working well for them? You don’t want them to dominate the conversation; it would be smart to have an online presence on the apps your competitor is finding success in. 

What are your goals? Are you trying to build a relationship with your community? Do you want to increase brand recognition? Different social media platforms are better utilized for achieving different goals.

With that in mind, let’s break down the different platforms

Twitter works well for businesses that run live events or are involved in the political and news industries. As a text-based outlet, you can make specific hashtags for events and keep up with the conversation in real-time. If your goal is connecting with your audience, start here. 

Pinterest favors businesses that have strong visual content. It is largely comprised of women – 78% of users are female. Boutiques thrive on Pinterest as you can make a clickable link that directs customers to your online store. 

YouTube has users of all ages, from young children to fully-grown adults. You can gain a large following all from posting how-to videos and educational resources. Can your business teach someone how to do something, such as how to fix a leaky faucet? Consider starting a YouTube channel!

LinkedIn is beneficial for business-to-business networking. Are you a consulting firm looking to connect with future clients and other business professionals? LinkedIn was made for you. 

Instagram was made for visual content. Restaurants with yummy food pictures thrive on the app (it’s why #foodie is a thing!). You can also highlight your products on Instagram Shop – a feature where people can shop your store directly on the app.

Tiktok is incredibly popular among younger audiences. Primarily 18 to 24-year-olds use the site to watch short-form video content. If you’re looking to target gen z and build brand awareness, this is the app to be on.

Facebook may be decreasing in popularity among the younger generation, but it is a great platform to use if you want to connect with your local community. If you’re willing to spend money on social media ads, you can run successful campaigns by targeting potential customers by age, interests, location and behaviors.

The right social media platform for your business all depends on your goals and desired audience. With the right message on the best platform, your business can grow and thrive online. 

Interested in connecting with potential customers online and growing your business? Southern View Media is here to help! We offer high-quality social media marketing services that put your company online, so you don’t get left behind. Call us today at (251) 517-9425 to learn more!


Why Digital Marketing is Effective for Small Businesses

Small businesses have a unique opportunity to connect with the community while also increasing sales and boosting the local economy. Having a digital marketing plan can help small businesses not only meet these goals but exceed them and flourish.

In today’s digital age, it’s not enough to solely rely on word of mouth marketing. While this might attract a general customer base, digital marketers can target the desired audience to reach an ideal client. It also helps small businesses to reach customers where they are – online.

So how is digital marketing effective? Here are three reasons.

Digital Marketing Puts Small Businesses in the Public Eye

Through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), digital marketers can make a small business achieve a higher ranking in search engines, which brings more traffic to the business. This leads to an increased amount of sales and more brand recognition.

For example, through SEO, digital marketers can make a locally-owned ice cream shop reach the top result of a search engine. If a potential customer searching for a frozen treat on a hot day looks up “ice cream near me” online, the first result they see will be from the local business. This increased web traffic leads to more overall sales since the business is being put into a larger audience – the online world. 

Digital Marketing Helps Customers Connect With Your Brand

Having an online presence makes businesses appear more legitimate and trustworthy. Engagement is key – replying to social media comments and messages helps customers connect with the business and be more likely to make a purchase.

You can also help customers out in real-time when they’re having a problem or concern. If a customer has a question about a product or a service you may offer, you can respond to them through a quick message. This interaction creates trust and helps form a relationship, which creates a loyal customer.

Digital Marketing is Advertising With a Wide Reach

Social media ads can increase brand recognition and trust for the business, and running digital ads for specific promotions is an effective way to reach customers who may not otherwise know about the sales. Posting consistently for promotions like these can help reach a larger audience and in turn, make more sales.

By running targeted social media ads, marketers can create eye-catching graphics that attract potential customers to visit a small business, whether that be online or in person. These ads also help small businesses stand out from competitors, which is vital in today’s age of overwhelming options. 

Digital marketing is an effective plan for small businesses because it helps reach a targeted, specific client base who may not otherwise know about your business. It helps create brand recognition and trust, and in turn, turns potential customers into loyal fans. 

We understand how busy you are as a business owner, so that is where Southern View Media comes in! We are a boutique digital marketing agency catering to local businesses. Visit to learn more about how we can help you boost your brand!


Fake Facebook Reviews

You hate it, we hate it and it doesn’t help anyone… Fake Facebook reviews. We’ve come across more spam as Facebook begins to make updates and changes on its platform. Located on one of the biggest social networking sites on the planet, your Facebook business profile can fall victim to having a fake review placed on your page.

Fake Facebook reviews can run amuck, but luckily there are ways to help get these false narratives removed from your page.

Here’s what you need to know:

There are usually two types of fake reviews: reviews written by disgruntled ex-employees, or overexaggerated experiences with customers and spam reviews written by bots. In this case, what only matters are the steps you take to get these reviews removed before they can do any harm to your business. 

  1. Make sure to report the review

Facebook offers the option to report the review. From there, Facebook’s administrators will assess the review within a few days and decide whether or not it will be removed or stay on the page. Unfortunately, your business page has no control over the decision of what will happen with the review. However, if Facebook decides not to remove the review, there are a few other options to lighten the burden of the false claims on your business.

  1. Respond to the review if not removed

Once Facebook makes a decision, it may not be possible to have a fake review removed from your page. In this case, it’s important to publicly respond to the review so your audience can get your side of the story. Whether it’s an irritated customer or a completely fake bot profile, be sure to form a response that will reflect your business in a positive way.

  1. Considering hiring Southern View Media

We don’t like to boast, but we do know a thing or two about being proactive when it comes to these types of situations. Our team of skilled digital marketing professionals monitor and manage social media accounts to ensure our clients are taken care of during the best of times and worst of times (like fake Facebook reviews). Our processes and strategies include practical protocols to manage your social media presence to help avoid hiccups such as these.
When it comes to Facebook and fake reviews, our team is on your side to help ensure you and your business are represented as you envision. Allow our team of specialists to craft a strategy to help keep you moving forward. Contact us today to get started by calling (251) 517-9425 or visit our website We put you online so you don’t get left behind!


How to Create Engaging Facebook Posts Using the Algorithm

Social media and search engine giants love to update their processes, programs and algorithms. For business owners, digital strategists and freelancers alike, these changes can be inconvenient or uncertain. Facebook, owned by Meta, is a prominent example.

In this blog, we will explain the Facebook algorithm and offer some tips for content creation. So let’s get started!

But first… What is the Facebook algorithm?

The Facebook algorithm is a formula that determines which posts users see when scrolling through their newsfeed. Many different variables compose the algorithm, which is what makes it frustrating for any marketer to navigate.

The algorithm has evolved over time. In 2009, the algorithm bumped posts with the greatest number of Likes to the top of the newsfeed. In 2017, Facebook weighed a post’s value and prominence by the number of different Reactions to it (Like, Heart, Anger, etc.). In 2019, Facebook introduced the “Why Am I Seeing This Post?” feature. In more recent years, Facebook has revealed details about the algorithm but has yet to release the big picture.

So how does the algorithm work now?

According to Hootsuite, Facebook now prioritizes content by three different variables. These elements are: who posted the content, the type of content and interactions with the posts. Use these characteristics to begin creating some ideal content for your brand!

What are some tips for creating engaging content?

Manipulating the Facebook algorithm is one of the worst things you could do for your brand; instead, you should work with the algorithm. Here are just a few tips that you can utilize to make the algorithm your friend, not a foe.

  • Consider the type of content that your audience wants to see. Authenticity is king. Too many sales-oriented posts can deter users from interacting with your page.
  • Engage with your audience. Interact with your audience by responding to and ‘liking’ comments. Prove that there is a person (or a whole team) behind the screen!
  • Encourage your audience to engage with each other. Create content that prompts conversations (not comment wars).
  • Explore the Stories feature. Facebook Stories appear separately from the main feed. As its own feature, Stories is an alternative way to meet audiences and promote content. If your business is on Instagram, which is also owned by Meta, then check out the Reels tab!
  • Expand your reach. How often do your family, friends, employees and colleagues share your content? Encourage them to share and interact with your content, so that it can reach new audiences!

It is unlikely that we will ever know the full extent of Facebook’s algorithm model. However, there are ways to curate content to your and your brand’s advantage. Facebook likes content that is authentic, engaging and encourages conversations. How will you use these tips when planning out your social media strategy?

Southern View Media is a digital marketing agency located on the Gulf Coast. We help clients across the United States with their social media, digital marketing, content creation, media buying and more. Visit today to learn about what we do and why we do it.


What is Effective Email Marketing & How Do You Do It?

Email marketing continues to be a worthwhile marketing strategy for a variety of businesses, including retailers, plumbers, HVAC companies and other industries. According to Litmus, an effective email campaign generates at least $42 for every $1 that you spend. That is an impressive and unbelievable 4,200% ROI (return on investment)!

So, how do you get started? How do you appeal to your portion of the 4 billion daily email users? Here are some of our best tips for creating a successful email marketing campaign.

Begin With an Appealing Subject Line

A subject line should grab the attention of your audience. An ideal subject line is catchy and intriguing; a humorous subject line is even better. We recommend that you keep your subject line at 9 to 14 words (or less). The best-kept secret, however, is staying out of the spam inbox by avoiding all caps or phrases like “buy now”.

Utilize Preheader Text When Necessary

Preheader text is the teasing copy that follows the subject line. While preheader text is not absolutely necessary, it does give your audience an idea of what the email is supposed to be about. We recommend keeping your preheader text to no more than 50 characters.

Embrace Links in Your Email Content

Links are perfect in emails for two reasons: they keep your email content from being too busy, and they can drive traffic to your website. Links are great teaser content, as long as they are visible, trackable and specific. Those three words mean:

  • Your links should be visible to your audience
  • Your links should be trackable by your team
  • Your links and their action phrases should be specific, like “Click here!” versus “Reserve Your Spot Now!”

Ensure That Your Email is Mobile-Friendly

Did you know that more than 50% of emails are opened and read on a mobile device? Don’t worry–there are easy ways to make sure that you are not isolating half of your subscribers! Emails should have a single column-layout; you should keep any buttons centered within the email format. Multiple email marketing platforms have an option to view your email as it reads on a computer, cell phone and tablet, so explore your platform and those options today.

Keep Your Emails Consistent

Unfortunately, email marketing is not a tool that works best sporadically. Email marketing is a balance of staying visible, but not flooding inboxes. Depending on your business size, your network and your audience, we recommend sending emails at least every two weeks. The formatting of your email should also be consistent with your brand, your voice and your message.

Email campaigns are an ideal marketing strategy because of their versatility! For example, email campaigns can contribute to your brand’s identity, promote an exclusive offer, foster a customer-business relationship and other possibilities.

We understand that you are a business owner and running the world–if you are too busy to focus on email campaigns, that is where we come in! Southern View Media is a digital marketing agency located on the beautiful Gulf Coast. Our services include email marketing, social media management, website design and more. Visit today to learn more.


Hashtag Do’s and Don’ts

Marketing strategies change depending on the current digital landscape. Did you know that there is a strategy for utilizing hashtags in your social media? Any decent marketing plan should include hashtags, whether for a brand, a trend or an overall company. 

But first… What is a hashtag?

Beginning with a pound sign (#), hashtags are made up of words or phrases with no spaces in between. For example: #SouthernViewMediaRocks. Hashtags add your post to a bigger conversation, and they work. A Tweet with at least one hashtag receives twice as much interaction as a post without hashtags.

There is an understood protocol for using hashtags. Here are some things that you should do and not do when using hashtags.

DO Use Relevant Hashtags

How often have you scrolled through Twitter or TikTok and noticed the trending hashtags? Ideally, every post or video should stay relevant to the hashtag; however, sometimes, the conversation is oversaturated with irrelevant content. Some creators only use a hashtag because it is trending, but that does not guarantee engagement.

DO NOT Use Too Many Hashtags

How many hashtags are too many? Depending on the social media platform, you may discover a variety of answers. However, a good practice is to keep the hashtags to a minimum; no more than 3 to 5 hashtags is ideal. Choose wisely!

DO Track Your Hashtags

Which hashtags work for you and which ones do not? #LocalBusinessOwner may receive more traction than #BusinessOwner for you. Tracking your hashtag performance over time can help you improve your marketing strategy in the long run!

DO NOT Waste an Opportunity for Hashtags

Feel free to create your own hashtag, whether for your company or a special event! Hashtags for events like trade shows or expos can help your team track engagement and reactions. So get creative with your next event!

DO Pay Attention to Trends

Stay alert for which hashtags are currently trending! How will your agency, company or brand join the conversation? Trending hashtags are an easy way to generate content–bonus points if it is relevant to your brand or what your company sells.

DO NOT Use Too Many Words In Hashtags

Hashtags should be as specific as possible without being too vague. So when using or creating hashtags, you should not use many words. For example, #BoatSale2022 is better than #BiggestBoatSaleEverIn2022.

DO Have Fun With It

Social media is about trial and error. What works and what does not work? We recommend that you have fun and be authentic with the hashtags. Your audience can, and will, tell the difference.

Overall, hashtags are great for social media because they can benefit both individuals and companies. Hashtags level the digital playing field for conversations, engagement and content, especially when utilized correctly. So how will you add hashtags to your marketing strategy?

Southern View Media is an agency engineered to assist local businesses in understanding and navigating the digital marketing landscape. We provide social media management, content creation, digital display ads, OTT ads and much more. Schedule an appointment with a digital strategist today. We get you online so you don’t get left behind!


Why You Should Use Reels in Your Marketing

Social media trends rise and fall all of the time. However, after many months, Instagram reels appear to be here to stay. If your business has not yet incorporated Instagram reels into your marketing strategy, then you should. But what are Instagram reels?

Reels were created in response to Tiktok’s popular format: brief videos with audio and organized into an endless scroll for the user. If you already have an Instagram account, then you do not need to create another to post reels. Instagram reels are also separate from stories and even IGTV.

Here are five major reasons why you should incorporate reels into your business’s digital marketing strategy.

Reels Prove That Your Business is Adaptable

We understand that certain industries perform better on some social media platforms than others. However, that should not persuade you from trying to create a following with Instagram reels! Creating reels proves that your business is dedicated to staying engaged with your audience, no matter the platform.

Reels are a Recipe for Higher Engagement

The algorithm rewards those who use it. Posting a video as a reel increases the risk of higher exposure and engagement because of the new ‘Explore’ feature. People do not have to be following your account in order to discover your content with the ‘Explore’ feature. On average, Instagram engagement is already considerably low compared to competitors, so utilizing reels is a great way to optimize the platform. 

Reels are Engaging

You know the old saying… “A picture is worth a thousand words.” By that logic, a video must be worth at least two thousand words, right? Allow reels to capture and portray your brand’s true personality. Compared to static graphics, videos have already proven to encourage higher engagement among different audiences.

Reels are Easy to Create

Reels are designed to be short and easy to consume. As a result, reels require less investment than other forms of content. Also, you don’t need to be an expert to create reels! You can film and edit videos from inside the app. If you already have a video, then with a few formatting changes, you can post it to reels. 

Reels Encourage Multi-Purpose Content

Not only can reels take little time to create, but they also have a long lifespan. Similar to other types of video, you can cross-post your reels to your Instagram and Facebook stories. Or, have you had less time to create content? Refashion the reel into other formats. Transform it into website content. Reels are yours to use!

Have we reeled you in with the appeal of Instagram reels? Overall, reels are magic for adaptability, engagement, credibility and creativity. Push your brand to be its best by investing in reels.

Southern View Media is a marketing agency dedicated to helping local businesses understand and navigate the digital marketing landscape. Located on the Gulf Coast, we serve clients across the continental United States. Schedule an appointment with us today! We Put You Online So You Don’t Get Left Behind.


Why Marketing Should Not be the First Thing You Cut

As a responsible business owner, you are always looking for ways to cut costs while increasing your bottom line. When costs out measure your revenue, you try to find a solution, like decreasing inventory or cutting unnecessary services. Trust us, we understand. However, marketing should never be the first thing you slash when faced with budget cuts.

There are many reasons why you should prioritize your marketing, whether digital, traditional or both.

But First… Why Is Marketing Usually Cut First?

Marketing is viewed as a nonessential service. During any low financial points, including recessions, companies often find themselves occupied with paying salaries and fulfilling benefits. On paper, it may make sense to shortcut advertising spending; however, is it the smartest move?

Here are 4 major reasons why marketing should not be the first thing you cut.

Effective Brand Awareness Requires Strategy

Social media marketing is a great solution for brand awareness. Brand awareness takes time, but it is a worthwhile investment. Cutting any type of marketing, especially social media, sabotages the progress that you and your company made. Furthermore, random social media posts are much more ineffective at branding than a dedicated marketing strategy. 

You Can’t Save Your Way to Profitability

Money that you cut on marketing will most likely be directed elsewhere. So, are you really saving money in the long run? Consider increasing costs in marketing for greater gains in sales, relationships and more.

You Run Into Major Risks Without Marketing

When slashing marketing budgets, you lose more than just a cool commercial or a snazzy social media post. You lose potential exposure and clients; you communicate bad credibility; you run a risk of customers choosing your competition over you. Ultimately, how else will you make more sales without marketing?

Digital Marketing is Booming

Digital marketing benefits both individuals and companies, especially because more people are spending time online, whether shopping, scrolling or commenting. Marketing online makes partnerships easier; marketing online encourages engagement with customers. It also proves that your business is adaptable and credible. There are so many opportunities in digital marketing that it is easy to offset the costs.

At the end of the day, you are the decision-maker for your business. Consider turning against the tide and embracing marketing, especially when your competitors may be doing the exact opposite. Schedule an appointment with us today so that we can find a digital marketing solution for you and your business!

Southern View Media is a digital marketing agency dedicated to helping local businesses navigate the digital marketing landscape. Visit our website at to learn more about what we do. We Put You Online So You Don’t Get Left Behind!